Gallery News

Jessie Stevenson Joins Berntson Bhattacharjee, August 7, 2024
We are pleased to announce Berntson Bhattacharjee's representation of Jessie Stevenson, ahead of her upcoming solo exhibition From Hiding Places Ten Years Deep at the gallery this September.

From Hiding Places Ten Years Deep, open from 12 September – 26 October, will showcase expansive new paintings, which oscillate between the poetic environments of the Norfolk marshes and the Western Deserts of Egypt. Responding to memories of Cairo from childhood, Stevenson contemplates our collective place in history and the transmission of stories through time; she interweaves studies of antiquity, ritual and a sense of nostalgia within her evolving landscapes.
Since the gallery's inception, we have had a close working relationship. Our collaboration has spanned numerous exhibitions in both London and Sweden, as well as a residency at Claestorp Castle in Sweden and a solo presentation at Market Art Fair. Each project has allowed Jessie to develop her work and it has been immensely exciting for us to follow her growth these past few years. As proud supporters of her practice since before her graduation we are deeply committed to facilitating future opportunities both in London and internationally.