Exhibition Press

Jacob Wilson, Plaster Magazine, June 26, 2024
This fortnight in the art world, Jacob Wilson discovers that everyone wants a rural fantasy, but nobody’s prepared to admit it’s weird.
Last week, in London, I visited ‘ROOTED’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee, a group show which brings together Georg Wilson, James Owen and Tom Bull to reveal the septic tank beneath the lush green grass of all rural idylls. At the back of the gallery, like stained glasses describing the lives and deeds of the landed gentry, are Tom Bull’s collaged panels of Country Life magazine covers. Here are a few headlines: ‘Battle of the Sexes: his and hers furniture’, ‘Avian Spitfires: return of the swallows’, ‘Heaven or Hell: pony club mothers’, ‘Lords vs Commons clay pigeon shoot’, ‘The Jubilee: wasn’t it wonderful’… War, peace, family and flag. Wasn‘t it wonderful?