Gallery Press

Bella Bonner-Evans, FAD Magazine, May 23, 2023
"London is known for housing some of the world’s most exciting young galleries, from Ginny on Frederick, to Guts Gallery and Rose Easton, we are lucky to have such a buzzing scene with plenty of unmissable openings every night and new gallery spaces opening up all the time. Just this month, two exciting new spaces presented their inaugural exhibitions – Hector Campbell’s Soup Gallery and Maribelle Bierens’ Night Café. From the small and scrappy to the gargantuan and polished, here’s a guide to some of the best new London galleries to follow. 
Founded in 2020 as a nomadic gallery presenting exhibitions in London and Stockholm, the duo behind Berntson and Bhattacharjee have just opened their first permanent space in London with a sell-out solo exhibition of works by Georg Wilson titled ‘What Mad Pursuit’. 

The gallery founders Lovisa Berntson and India Bhattacharjee plan to utilise their new 2,200 sq ft headquarters in Fitzrovia to hold more exhibitions per year, participate in established art fairs, and dedicate themselves to the long-term goals of the artists they work with while maintaining their satellite programme and residency in Sweden. The London gallery will foster a slower paced environment driven by quality over trend, presenting thoughtful exhibitions of noteworthy local and international emerging artists."