DODELIDO TJOHO: A solo presentation by Yoyo Nasty, Falsterbo

9 - 17 July 2022

Berntson Bhattacharjee’s annual summer exhibition, DODELIDO TJOHO, transports the visitor to Yoyo Nasty’s fantasy land. Inside an old stable, brightly coloured paintings adorning wallpaper covered walls, balloons, carpets and furniture come together, creating an immersive experience for anyone who enters. The title of the exhibition, rather than carrying meaning through words, is a melodic joyful sound which evokes the same feelings as experiencing the installation.


The physical elements of the exhibition, along with the motifs found in the works, carry strong significance and resemble Yoyo Nasty’s identity. Love, queerness, childhood nostalgia, indulgence and summertime are celebrated in this show. A recurring expression of Yoyo’s alter ego is a free spirited cowboy in pink underwear. The cowboy hat represents traditional machismo, whereas the pink thong is a celebration of female fun and power. The anthropomorphism of animals and mystical characters is a signature theme within Yoyo Nasty’s practice. Cheeky tigers sticking out their tongues, lively plants and playful dolphins can be found in her vividly painted works. Colour is equally important for Yoyo Nasty. Her bright, joyful palette brings an energy and vivaciousness to the works, as well as challenges preconceived notions of the colours.


Painting is one form of Yoyo Nasty’s expression. With this exhibition she has pushed the boundaries of fine art to include mediums which traditionally would not be found in a white cube gallery space. Visitors can leave with a balloon or a sun chair - objects which encapsulate the theme of the exhibition in a tangible and humorous way.


Artist and illustrator Yoyo Nasty is based in Stockholm and received her MFA from Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design in 2019. Recent solo exhibitions include at VIDA Museum, Borgholm, Sweden (2021) and Happy Place, Österängens Konsthall, Jönköping, Sweden (2021). Recent group exhibitions include at Pada Studios, Lisbon (2020); Stäying Sane, Berntson Bhattacharjee, Falsterbo Sweden (2020); Seart, Stockholm (2019). Yoyo Nasty has also worked with a range of exciting clients, including Marimekko, Åhléns, Puma, H&M and The Museum of Spirits in Stockholm.